Big multinational oil companies are desperately trying to shut this site down, but they haven't succeeded yet ...
"The Amazing Secret Revealed
How To Get Your Own Oil Well...
Where Ever You Live"
Please note (Updated 8/18/07):
This Site Will Not Be Available Long.
This collection of hot of the press information has the "Oil Companies Of The World" completely UP IN ARMS. I've received numerous threats and can not risk leaving this information up much longer.
From: The Desk of Ash Ried
Date: Saturday, August 18, 2007
London, UK
Dear Buttakuncat,
Wow, What a reaction.
I had no idea so many people would be so excited about this.
All I did was post some information on biodiesel... Who would have thought?
Here's what happened:
Like a lot of other people, I'm worried about rising fuel costs.
Everyday they find a new reason why the oilprice has to go up.
Either it is because the dollar falls in price or the dollar price increases.
Then it is because some country or another is stockpiling.
Or because of a storm on the Northsea, or a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico.
Then the refineries are underutilized or there are not enough capacity
You have heard it all...
But what can you do?
Get Your Own Oil Well
You see America can produce oil enough. It is actually being grown on the fields, right now.....
What does that mean for people like you and me?
It means you can make our own fuel from plain rapeseed or soybean oil
Run Your Car On Rapeseed
To be quite honest, it isn't difficult and that is why the oil companies are so worried. because with a few simple ingredients, that you already use when cleaning windows or camping, you can convert rapeseed oil to diesel for your car.
You can make it in your own garage and drive for a fraction of the cost of fossil diesel.
And that is not all...
Biodiesel is actually cleaner than normal petro diesel, it does not add any carbon dioxide to the environment, because the plants used to make the raw oil consume carbon dioxide while they grow. Reduce greenhouse gasses in one go!
The past week I was very surprised, after my son-in-law contacted me from London sending me the information about your website, to r eceive so much quality information from you and in such a short time.
We are from South Africa, and bio products in SA is still in it's baby bootees. However your website and the correspondence through internet we have had with you helped us to improve our recipe to such an extend that we can only say a humble, but with a lot of ap preciation, thank you for your assistance.
We have already made four different types of machines for the processing of bio diesel and with your many suggestions and newsletter s we are very satisfied with our bio diesel.
You are doing an excellent job and when we look at the advantages of bio products you are actually contributing to a better and clea ner world.
Best wishes,
Cillie and Johnny Henn
This is not an idle claim. Biodiesel is one of the most thoroughly tested alternative fuels on the market. Studies have been performed by the
U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stanadyne Automotive Corp. (the largest diesel fuel injection equipment manufacturer in the U.S.), Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, and Southwest Research Institute. In fact over 50 million miles have been expended in testing biodiesel during the course of this research.
This means that you can improve the environment and save money at the same time using this fuel.
In Europe biodiesel is already added to petrodiesel, in France up to 5% of diesel you get from the pump is biodiesel.
Imagine the effect on the tradedeficit if we would reduce the fossil fuel consumption with 5%.
That is not all.
Just 5% would keep thousands of farmers in work rather than unemployed, and it would break the big oil companies stranglehold on our economy and even better we wouldn't need oil from countries like Iraq, Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.
But I got all carried away....
It all started when I was looking for a cheap alternative fuel I could use in my diesel engine. The processes described all required a lot of equipment, and a lot of money to be paid upfront, and even then 99.9% of it was PURE TRASH.
So I decided to research some more and scoured every library I could find and serached the bottomless pit of the internet looking for information
Then one day I found the motherlode of information. There were the answer. It was a simple way of making your own biodiesel, and there were already a small group of experts doing it.
I collected the best of their advice in a 79 page manual.
There's no fluff or unneeded information. It is down to the bone, straight talk, and with references should you want to learn everything about biodiesel.
This is almost all the information you need.
Seriously, it's almost too much.
What This Means To You
I wanted to get the best information out to and get it to as many people as possible.
But, I had not expected the response from the "establishment".
Honestly, I've worked too damn hard finding this information, just to let these valuable information vanish into thin air.
This is a very serious matter, and I will pull this site VERY soon. I personally can not take the risk of letting this information known to everybody.
I've decided to let a very small fraction have access to the information and will pull this site when that number reaches too high.
This is to protect myself.
So, There's A Catch: This Has
To Stop With You.
Please, what ever you do ... Do NOT share these information with anyone .... regardless of how much you trust them.
I only want the people SPECIFICALLY searching out this information to be able to obtain it.
When you read it you will understand. There is not an unlimited amount of raw material. Already now people are out there collecting free waste oil, for their biodiesel production.
So this information is not just any "Joe Blow" surfing the net.
It is only for you, Buttakuncat,
Here's What You're Getting
First, you are getting the full version of "Biodiesel Secrets Revealed". This all you need to get started using and making your own biodiesel.
There are no other guides like this one on the market.
With this guide, you'll discover not only how to make your own low cost fuel, but also where you can get more information and find people like yourself.
You will learn
The easy step by step process on making your own biodiesel from vegetable oil, chapter 2.6
The 3 parts of your engine you must absolutely check on your engine before starting using biodiesel
How much biodiesel you can safely use in your engine without no change at all
What you have to know using biodiesel at low temperatures, chapter 1.8
The process to make biodiesel from animal fat (tallow), it is really possible
Not all is perfect with biodiesel. Know the pro and cons to take on intelligent choise chapter 1.2
The safetips you have to know to make biodiesel.
How to store biodiesel and for how long ?
The real cost of biodiesel.
How much power do you gain or loose using biodiesel
What is the impact on the environment, and what you can do to reduce it.
Will biodiesel damage your engine? See answers on chapter 1.8 and 1.10
Which chemicals do you need to make biodiesel and will you not get in trouble with Homeland Security for obtaining them. Surprising answer on chapter 2.6
Why you have to be carefull washing and drying your biodiesel, the process is easily done using the steps described in chapter 2.6
Want to use waste oil straight from a restaurant? Be sure you read chapter 2.9 first, not doing this could cost you thousands of dollars in repairs.
Which car manufacturers does give any warrenty on biodiesel fuel use the answers on chapter 1.9
What you have to change in your engine to avoid problems.
What to do if you want to use straight vegetable oil (SVO), and what the law says about this, see chapter 2.3
How complicated is it to make your own biodiesel, chapter 2.6 explains exactly the process
Next, you will get the benefit of the countless hours of research
You will get a 45 minute indept interview with Jack Hoffman, BSc from MIT, with more than 30 years experience in fuel processing and research from Exxon Corporation. (Value $79.95, yours FREE)
In the interview you will have the answers the questions
What is biodiesel ( B5, B20, B100 )
Can you make your own biodiesel
What do you use to make biodiesel
Is it dangerous to make biodiesel, what about chemicals
Can you explain what titration is
Is it possible to use ethanol instead of methanol?
Which types of oil can you use, and can you use animal fat, tallow
How do you clean the biodiesel for impurities and water?
What can we do with waste products?
Does it actually take more energy to produce biodiesel than it releases
What about just using vegetable oil and skip all this processing?
Can you only use biodiesel in disel engines or can it be used in a normal gas engine?
Can you switch between biodiesel and fossil diesel at will?
Do you need to change something in your engine to use biodiesel?
What about straight vegetable oil (SVO) do you need to change something in your engine?
Can we use biodiesel in cold weather or will it gel?
Does fossil diesel gel?
Do we need to add any additives to the biodiesel, to stop growth of bacterias, algae or fungus. Is that different from fossil diesel?
What is the impact of biodiesel on the environment?
What will happen to the biodiesel price if everybody wanted to use it?
Are there differences it the types, common rail, turbo or old engines
And much more...
A total 45 minutes interview you can listen to on your computer, ipod or mp3 player.
Together with the interview is also the transcription, so you can print it and follow along while listening. A great way to highlight important stuff without loosing anything (Value $29.95, yours FREE)
Further, you will get the report BiodieselProduction and Quality (Yours FREE)
The actual chemical process
Mixing Alcohol and catalyst and what you have to know about the process
How to seperate the biodiesel from the glycerin
Purify your biodiesel by washing it.
The official specifications for 100% biodiesel
The report An Overview of Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel Life Cycle (yours FREE)
Why use biodiesel, the many advantages, and price is only one of them
All about biodiesel lifecycle, and where you can benefit from it.
Also you will get the report New Method Simplifies Biodiesel Production and nine others.
This Much Knowledge Can Make You
Biodiesel Expert
It's a great resource for getting into the biodiesel game before the big oil companies shuts it down.
I have been in contact over a TON of people who want this information.
This is already WAY too many people and I just can't risk the information is made available too long.
If you want in on this, you'd better act now before someone else beats you to it.
But before I let you have it, I must give you a final warning:
This is not for everybody
If you are not excited about taking your future fuel supply into your own hand, this isn't for you.
What you're getting is the entry ticket to the biodieselers exclusive community, a way to be in with the future happening right now.
Here's How You Can Join
The World Of Biodieselers
The cost of these comprehensive course is just $69.95 $49.95.
As soon as you place your secure order, you'll be taken to a secret download page where you can access the manual and books instantly.
The reson I've decided to make this a downloadable product as opposed to something you get in the mail is three fold:
It keeps the cost down so you won't have to pay as much. This saves you money.
Nobody (including me) ever sees your address so your identity and contact info is kept strictly confidential.
You can get this information immediately. Right now. In seconds.
Click here and place your secure and
confidential order right now. You'll have
instant access to the entire course
And if you're skeptical about this, I understand. You have every right to be.
I've seen the garbage that's being sold out there on the internet.
Most of it is pure crap.
Hi Ash
I think it is brilliant, saves me a lot of time researching. We are large farmers in Kenya using at times over 1000 lts a day on occ asions with no subsidies, so as you can imagine we use quite a bit. We are able to grow oil seed rape and Soya beans. Well done with the book it is quite a lot of reading!
This is different. This is real. In fact, I'm certain you'll love this. I'm so sure of it that I'm offering you the following guarantee:
If You're Not Absolutely
Satisfied With This Course
I'll Refund 100% Of Your Money ...
But You Can Keep The Entire
Course For Free Anyway!
I challenge anybody to match that guarantee.
The bottom line is this:
If you don't like it, I dont't want your money. You can just keep the whole thing as my way of saying "thanks for being adventurous and taking a chance."
You won't have to answer any questions, fill out any forms, or send anything back.
Just let me know if you're not happy and I'll immediately give you 100% refund.
Click Here To Claim Your Copy Right Away.
Remember, you have nothing to loose because I personally guarantee you satisfaction.
Also - this website could be taken down at any minute.
There are a ton of other people "in line" to get to this already ...
Talk Soon,
Ash Ried
P.S. You're also getting a special bonus for taking fast action. If you buy today, you will receive new issues of the manual when the it is updated.
This way you will always stay on top of the newest developments on biodiesel.
Click Here To Claim Your Copy.
P.S.S. One more thing ... Don't forget the astonishing guarantee. You have 60 days to get a FULL refund, and I will even let you keep the product free. There is absolutely no reason to pass this up
Click Here To Claim Your Copy.