More cheap labor for Japan!"
May 26, 2008
J@pan Inc Blog
Anna Kitanaka
British Born Japanese Journalist
According to Nepali newspaper, The Katmandu Post, Japanese officials have agreed to let in semi-skilled and skilled trainee workers for employment in Japan, specifically the agricultural and industrial sectors.
In an interview with the newspaper, Shyam Prasad Mainali, secretary at the Ministry of Labor and Transport Management (MoLTM) said that: “We see Japan becoming a destination for huge numbers of Nepali job aspirants who are skilled or semi skilled but we cannot estimate the exact demand there at this initial stage.”
The article says that the understanding is that trainee workers will get two years of training and a one year of internship at a work place in Japan. The article, (and I quote) says workers will receive a “handsome pay” of between 80,000 Nepal Rupees (JPY 120,000) and 100,000 Rupees (JPY 150,000) per month. This is likely worth a lot in Nepal, but the article fails to mention that in Japan, it won’t get you very far.
This will be part of the controversial Japan International Training and Co-operation Organization (JITCO) “training scheme” that Japan has adopted for foreign workers…also known as “cheap foreign labor.” This program has been the focus of criticism ever since its start in 1991. According to the BBC, in 2006, 80% of companies were breaking the law on pay and conditions, including sexual harassment.
The Katmandu Post:
J@pan Inc Blog:
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