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進学相談会キャンパスツアー学部別入試一覧入試統計資料請求その他 >建学の精神コーオプ教育O/OCFチャレンジ精神の源流国内・海外インターンシップ全学共通教育テーマ別融合プログラムその他 >経済学部経営学部法学部外国語学部文化学部理学部工学部コンピュータ理工学部専任教員その他 >経済学研究科マネジメント研究科法学研究科外国語学研究科理学研究科工学研究科法科大学院通信教育課程大学院入試資料請求その他 >リエゾンオフィス共同研究プロジェクト研究機構学術誌研究者データベース産官学連携シーズ集その他 >留学制度協定校支援サポート体制国際交流センター大学でできる国際交流国際交流会館その他 >進路・就職支援体制資格・課外講座職業観育成・進路支援科目国内・海外インターンシップ採用ご担当の皆様へ(進路センターについて)その他 >サタデージャンボリー市民講座教養講座異文化交流プログラムスポーツ教室科目等履修生・聴講生募集その他 >クラブ・サークル活動(課外活動)情報サービス学生寮下宿紹介アルバイト紹介バスプールをアイキャッチその他 >沿革法人・教学役員組織財務状況大学評価厚生施設図書館キャンパスグッズその他 >
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12 法学英書購読 (日本の法律と司法制度) キャンデル キャリン ポーラー
▲ ページトップへ お問い合わせ キャンパスマップ 交通アクセス プライバシーポリシー サイトマップ スタッフ募集
京都産業大学 〒603-8555 京都市北区上賀茂本山
© 2001-2009 Kyoto Sangyo University. All rights reserved.
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Quick Jump: Appl. Phys. Express Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Prog. Theor. Phys. Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. Vol./No: Page:
Progress of Theoretical Physics
Vol. 49 No. 2 (1973) pp. 652-657
URL : http://ptp.ipap.jp/link?PTP/49/652/
DOI : 10.1143/PTP.49.652
CP-Violation in the Renormalizable Theory of Weak Interaction
Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto
(Received September 1, 1972)
In a framework of the renormalizable theory of weak interaction, problems of CP-violation are studied. It is concluded that no realistic models of CP-violation exist in the quartet scheme without introducing any other new fields. Some possible models of CP-violation are also discussed.
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S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 19 (1967), 1264[APS]; ibid. 27 (1971), 1688[APS].
Z. Maki and T. Maskawa, RIFP-146 (preprint), April 1972.
P. W. Higgs, Phys. Lett. 12 (1964), 132[CrossRef]; ibid. 13 (1964), 508[Elsevier].
G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen and T. W. Kibble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13 (1964), 585[APS].
H. Georgi and S. L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 (1972), 1494[APS].
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 83 No. 1 (1990) pp. 13-17 :
On Rephasing Invariants Δiα in Three Generations of Quarks
Yukio Itô
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Tsutom Hasuike, Toshihiko Hattori, Toshio Hayashi and Seiichi Wakaizumi
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Kazuo Koike
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 85 No. 1 (1991) pp. 131-139 :
Horizontal Gauge Interactions as the Origin of Lepton-Quark Masses and Flavour Mixings
Yasuhiko Nagoshi, Ken Nakanishi and Sho Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 85 No. 5 (1991) pp. 969-974 :
On Quark Mixings and CKM Matrix
Hirofumi Senju
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 86 No. 1 (1991) pp. 193-203 :
Quark Mixing and Preon Model
Hirofumi Senju
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 86 No. 5 (1991) pp. 1031-1051 :
Universal Seesaw Mechanism for Quarks and Leptons
Ikuo S. Sogami and Tadatomi Shinohara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 86 No. 6 (1991) pp. 1135-1140 :
On Ortho-Para Mixing Model for Family Mixing
Hirofumi Senju
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 87 No. 5 (1992) pp. 1249-1264 :
Quark Mass Generation and Renormalization Group
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 87 No. 5 (1992) pp. 1299-1304 :
Top Quark Mass and Signs of ReΔiα Using Fritzsch-Type Quark Mass Matrix
Yukio Itô
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 1 (1992) pp. 81-88 :
A Schematic Model of Generation Structure
Kazuo Koike
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 3 (1992) pp. 561-570 :
Semileptonic Decays of Atomlike Hadrons in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory
Toshiaki Ito, Toshiyuki Morii and Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 4 (1992) pp. 785-790 :
Phenomenology of Rephasing Invariants Δiα
Yukio Itô
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Multi-Mass Callan-Symanzik Equation
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 89 No. 3 (1993) pp. 709-718 :
Preon Model and a Possible New Physics in ep Collisions
Hirofumi Senju
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 90 No. 5 (1993) pp. 1057-1073 :
Flavor Changing Neutral Currents in Universal Seesaw Model
Tadatomi Shinohara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 90 No. 6 (1993) pp. 1311-1317 :
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Yasuhiko Nagoshi, Ken Nakanishi and Sho Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 91 No. 1 (1994) pp. 161-170 :
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Kazuo Koike
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 91 No. 3 (1994) pp. 521-540 :
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Taichiro Kugo, Mark G. Mitchard and Yuhsuke Yoshida
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 91 No. 5 (1994) pp. 915-926 :
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Takemi Hayashi, Yoshio Koide, Masahisa Matsuda and Morimitsu Tanimoto
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 93 No. 5 (1995) pp. 961-967 :
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Yukio Itô
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 96 No. 1 (1996) pp. 269-274 :
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 96 No. 5 (1996) pp. 1055-1059 :
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Toshiaki Ito
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 2 (1997) pp. 301-309 :
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Naoyuki Haba
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 5 (1997) pp. 781-789 :
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K. Harayama, N. Okamura, A. I. Sanda and Zhi-Zhong Xing
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 6 (1997) pp. 901-912 :
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Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 98 No. 1 (1997) pp. 143-157 :
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 98 No. 4 (1997) pp. 967-975 :
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 115 No. 2 (2006) pp. 461-465 :
Sum Rules for Elements of Flavor-Mixing Matrices Based on a Non-Semisimple Symmetry
Ikuo S. Sogami
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 116 No. 1 (2006) pp. 143-160 :
Systematic Investigation of Possibilities for New Physics Effects in b →s Penguin Processes
C. S. Kim, Y. J. Kwon, Jake Lee and T. Yoshikawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 119 No. 2 (2008) pp. 339-344 :
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 120 No. 6 (2008) pp. 1065-1091 :
Strong CP Problem and the Natural Hierarchy of Yukawa Couplings
Kenzo Inoue and Naoki Yamatsu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 121 No. 1 (2009) pp. 49-72 :
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.63 (1978) pp. 49-279 :
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Yuji Igarashi, Masahiro Imachi, Takeo Matsuoka, Kansuke Ninomiya, Shoichiro Otsuki, Shoji Sawada and Fumihiko Toyoda
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Electroweak Theory
Ken-ichi Aoki, Zenrō Hioki, Rokuo Kawabe, Michiji Konuma and Taizo Muta
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.85 (1985) pp. 61-74 :
Yukawa Meson, Sakata Model and Baryon-Lepton Symmetry Revisited
Robert E. Marshak
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.85 (1985) pp. 147-167 :
Physics of Heavy Quark Decays and CP Violation
Ling-Lie Chau
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.86 (1986) pp. 329-335 :
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Yasuo Hara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.100 (1990) pp. 1-379 :
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Junpei Fujimoto, Masataka Igarashi, Nobuya Nakazawa, Yoshimitsu Shimizu and Keijiro Tobimatsu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.119 (1995) pp. 1-88 :
Part I. Physics at a φ-Factory
M. Fukawa, Y. Fukushima, K. Hirata, Y. Kawashima, S. K. Kim, T. Ohshima, J. Shirai, T. Taniguchi, T. Tanimori, S. L. Olsen, K. Ueno, F. Sannes, S. Schnetzer and K. Kinoshita
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 241-246 :
Model-Independent Analysis of B-B Mixing and CP Violation in B Decays
Minoru Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 265-173 :
CP Violation in the Higgs Sector of the Next-to-MSSM and Electric Dipole Moments
Naoyuki Haba, Masahisa Matsuda and Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 319-326 :
Model of Generations of Quarks and Leptons
Kenzo Inoue
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 491-500 :
The Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theory
Dae-Gyu Lee
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.164 (2006) pp. 28-37 :
Conception of Generations
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 9-15 :
Generation Mixing in the Sakata-Nagoya Model
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 26-35 :
Flavor Physics and Nagoya — The Past 50 Years
A. I. Sanda
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 36-43 :
The Sakata Model and the Progress of the Theory of Elementary Particles
Ken-iti Matumoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 95-104 :
Duality and Electric Dipole Moment of Magnetic Monopole
Makoto Kobayashi
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 116-126 :
Learning from Sakata's Physics and Philosophy
Shoji Sawada
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Progress of Theoretical Physics
Vol. 49 No. 2 (1973) pp. 652-657
URL : http://ptp.ipap.jp/link?PTP/49/652/
DOI : 10.1143/PTP.49.652
CP-Violation in the Renormalizable Theory of Weak Interaction
Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto
(Received September 1, 1972)
In a framework of the renormalizable theory of weak interaction, problems of CP-violation are studied. It is concluded that no realistic models of CP-violation exist in the quartet scheme without introducing any other new fields. Some possible models of CP-violation are also discussed.
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 86 No. 5 (1991) pp. 1031-1051 :
Universal Seesaw Mechanism for Quarks and Leptons
Ikuo S. Sogami and Tadatomi Shinohara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 86 No. 6 (1991) pp. 1135-1140 :
On Ortho-Para Mixing Model for Family Mixing
Hirofumi Senju
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 87 No. 5 (1992) pp. 1249-1264 :
Quark Mass Generation and Renormalization Group
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 87 No. 5 (1992) pp. 1299-1304 :
Top Quark Mass and Signs of ReΔiα Using Fritzsch-Type Quark Mass Matrix
Yukio Itô
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 1 (1992) pp. 81-88 :
A Schematic Model of Generation Structure
Kazuo Koike
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 3 (1992) pp. 561-570 :
Semileptonic Decays of Atomlike Hadrons in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory
Toshiaki Ito, Toshiyuki Morii and Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 4 (1992) pp. 785-790 :
Phenomenology of Rephasing Invariants Δiα
Yukio Itô
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 88 No. 5 (1992) pp. 993-1008 :
Multi-Mass Callan-Symanzik Equation
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 89 No. 3 (1993) pp. 709-718 :
Preon Model and a Possible New Physics in ep Collisions
Hirofumi Senju
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 90 No. 5 (1993) pp. 1057-1073 :
Flavor Changing Neutral Currents in Universal Seesaw Model
Tadatomi Shinohara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 90 No. 6 (1993) pp. 1311-1317 :
Possible Origin of Flavour Mixings in the Horizontal Gauge Theory
Yasuhiko Nagoshi, Ken Nakanishi and Sho Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 91 No. 1 (1994) pp. 161-170 :
Flavor U(1)f-Symmetry Breaking and Generation Mixing
Kazuo Koike
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 91 No. 3 (1994) pp. 521-540 :
Isgur-Wise Function from Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude
Taichiro Kugo, Mark G. Mitchard and Yuhsuke Yoshida
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 91 No. 5 (1994) pp. 915-926 :
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in Two Higgs Doublet Model
Takemi Hayashi, Yoshio Koide, Masahisa Matsuda and Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 92 No. 2 (1994) pp. 377-396 :
Chiral Lagrangian with Higher Resonances and Flavour SU(3) Breaking
Masashi Hayakawa, Takeshi Kurimoto and A.I. Sanda
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 92 No. 6 (1994) pp. 1149-1160 :
A Vector-Like Extension of the Standard Model
Kazuo Fujikawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 93 No. 3 (1995) pp. 571-583 :
Right-Handed b to c Coupling and CP Violation
Toshihiko Hattori, Tsutom Hasuike, Toshio Hayashi and Seiichi Wakaizumi
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 93 No. 5 (1995) pp. 961-967 :
Counting the Observable Parameters of Yukawa Lagrangian
Recai Erdem
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 94 No. 3 (1995) pp. 399-405 :
Observable Parameters of Fermion Mass Matrices in Multi-Higgs-Doublet Models
Recai Erdem
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 94 No. 3 (1995) pp. 469-474 :
Classification of Physical Quantities According to Signs of ReΔiα
Yukio Itô
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 95 No. 6 (1996) pp. 1159-1166 :
Implications of b →sγ in the Weinberg Three-Higgs-Doublet Models
Darwin Chang, Chuan-Hung Chen and Chao-Qiang Geng
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 96 No. 1 (1996) pp. 269-274 :
The Effects of a Vector-Like Doublet as the Fourth Generation to Rb
Tadashi Yoshikawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 96 No. 4 (1996) pp. 857-862 :
A Phenomenological Formula for KM Matrix
Kouzou Nishida and Ikuo S. Sogami
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 96 No. 5 (1996) pp. 1055-1059 :
The Unitarity Triangle on the First Quadrant and the Quark Mass Matrices in the Nearest-Neighbor Interaction Basis
Toshiaki Ito
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 2 (1997) pp. 301-309 :
Explicit CP Violation in the Higgs Sector of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Naoyuki Haba
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 3 (1997) pp. 459-477 :
Analytical Expressions of Masses and Mixings in a Democratic Seesaw Mass Matrix Model
Yoshio Koide and Hideo Fusaoka
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 5 (1997) pp. 781-789 :
Getting at the Quark Mass Matrices
K. Harayama, N. Okamura, A. I. Sanda and Zhi-Zhong Xing
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 97 No. 6 (1997) pp. 901-912 :
Prediction on CP Violation in Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 98 No. 1 (1997) pp. 143-157 :
Right-Handed b to c and u Coupling Model and CP Violation
Toshio Hayashi
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 98 No. 4 (1997) pp. 967-975 :
New Physics and CP Angles Measurement at B Factory
Takeshi Kurimoto and Atsushi Tomita
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 99 No. 2 (1998) pp. 281-291 :
Approximate Sum Rules of CKM Matrix Elements from Quasi-Democratic Mass Matrices
Ikuo S. Sogami, Kouzou Nishida, Hajime Tanaka and Tadatomi Shinohara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 100 No. 3 (1998) pp. 615-625 :
Universal Seesaw Mechanism with Universal Strength for Yukawa Couplings
Tadatomi Shinohara, Hajime Tanaka and Ikuo S. Sogami
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 101 No. 2 (1999) pp. 403-414 :
Spontaneous CP Violation from High-Dimensional Operators
Darwin Chang, Chuan-Hung Chen and Chao-Qiang Geng
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 101 No. 3 (1999) pp. 671-706 :
Quark Mass Hierarchy, FCNC and CP Violation in a Seesaw Model
Yuichiro Kiyo, Takuya Morozumi, Paulo Parada, Margarida N. Rebelo and Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 101 No. 4 (1999) pp. 937-946 :
Long Distance Contribution to K+→π+νν at O(p4) in ChPT
C. Q. Geng, I. J. Hsu and C. W. Wang
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 103 No. 1 (2000) pp. 135-144 :
Relations among Elements of the Quark Mass Matrices
K. Harayama
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 103 No. 2 (2000) pp. 367-377 :
Renormalization Group Analysis of Large Lepton Flavor Mixing and the Neutrino Mass
Naoyuki Haba, Naotoshi Okamura and Masaki Sugiura
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 106 No. 2 (2001) pp. 401-418 :
Neutrino Masses, Anomalous U(1) Gauge Symmetry and Doublet-Triplet Splitting
Nobuhiro Maekawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 106 No. 6 (2001) pp. 1213-1222 :
Updates of WR Effects on CP Angle Determination in B Decays
Hideaki Hayakawa, Kaoru Hosokawa and Takeshi Kurimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 106 No. 6 (2001) pp. 1255-1274 :
E6 Unification with Bi-Large Neutrino Mixing
Masako Bando and Nobuhiro Maekawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 107 No. 3 (2002) pp. 597-619 :
Gauge Coupling Unification with Anomalous U(1)A Gauge Symmetry
Nobuhiro Maekawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 110 No. 3 (2003) pp. 549-561 :
Calculation of Magnetic Penguin Amplitudes in B →φK Decays Using PQCD Approach
Satoshi Mishima and A. I. Sanda
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 113 No. 5 (2005) pp. 1065-1076 :
Remark on Natural Models of Neutrinos
Kazuo Fujikawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 114 No. 1 (2005) pp. 179-204 :
Tauonic B Decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Hideo Itoh, Shinji Komine and Yasuhiro Okada
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 114 No. 4 (2005) pp. 873-887 :
A Non-Semisimple Hidden Symmetry for Flavor Physics
Ikuo S. Sogami
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 114 No. 5 (2005) pp. 1045-1056 :
Effect of the Smaller Mass-Squared Difference for the Long Base-Line Neutrino Experiments
Naotoshi Okamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 115 No. 2 (2006) pp. 461-465 :
Sum Rules for Elements of Flavor-Mixing Matrices Based on a Non-Semisimple Symmetry
Ikuo S. Sogami
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 116 No. 1 (2006) pp. 143-160 :
Systematic Investigation of Possibilities for New Physics Effects in b →s Penguin Processes
C. S. Kim, Y. J. Kwon, Jake Lee and T. Yoshikawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 119 No. 2 (2008) pp. 339-344 :
Notes on Flavor Mixing Matrices Characterized by SU(2) ×U(1) Group Parameters
Ikuo S. Sogami and Yasufumi Konishi
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 120 No. 6 (2008) pp. 1065-1091 :
Strong CP Problem and the Natural Hierarchy of Yukawa Couplings
Kenzo Inoue and Naoki Yamatsu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 121 No. 1 (2009) pp. 49-72 :
CP Asymmetries of B →φKS and B →η' KS in SUSY GUT Model with Non-Universal Sfermion Masses
Sung-Gi Kim, Nobuhiro Maekawa, Akihiro Matsuzaki, Kazuki Sakurai and Tadashi Yoshikawa
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.63 (1978) pp. 49-279 :
Constituent Rearrangement Model and Hadron Reactions
Yuji Igarashi, Masahiro Imachi, Takeo Matsuoka, Kansuke Ninomiya, Shoichiro Otsuki, Shoji Sawada and Fumihiko Toyoda
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.73 (1982) pp. 1-226 :
Electroweak Theory
Ken-ichi Aoki, Zenrō Hioki, Rokuo Kawabe, Michiji Konuma and Taizo Muta
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.85 (1985) pp. 61-74 :
Yukawa Meson, Sakata Model and Baryon-Lepton Symmetry Revisited
Robert E. Marshak
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.85 (1985) pp. 147-167 :
Physics of Heavy Quark Decays and CP Violation
Ling-Lie Chau
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.86 (1986) pp. 329-335 :
CP Violation in the Standard Model
Yasuo Hara
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.100 (1990) pp. 1-379 :
Radiative Corrections to e+e- Reactions in Electroweak Theory
Junpei Fujimoto, Masataka Igarashi, Nobuya Nakazawa, Yoshimitsu Shimizu and Keijiro Tobimatsu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.119 (1995) pp. 1-88 :
Part I. Physics at a φ-Factory
M. Fukawa, Y. Fukushima, K. Hirata, Y. Kawashima, S. K. Kim, T. Ohshima, J. Shirai, T. Taniguchi, T. Tanimori, S. L. Olsen, K. Ueno, F. Sannes, S. Schnetzer and K. Kinoshita
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 241-246 :
Model-Independent Analysis of B-B Mixing and CP Violation in B Decays
Minoru Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 265-173 :
CP Violation in the Higgs Sector of the Next-to-MSSM and Electric Dipole Moments
Naoyuki Haba, Masahisa Matsuda and Morimitsu Tanimoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 319-326 :
Model of Generations of Quarks and Leptons
Kenzo Inoue
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.123 (1996) pp. 491-500 :
The Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theory
Dae-Gyu Lee
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.164 (2006) pp. 28-37 :
Conception of Generations
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 9-15 :
Generation Mixing in the Sakata-Nagoya Model
Kazuhiko Nishijima
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 26-35 :
Flavor Physics and Nagoya — The Past 50 Years
A. I. Sanda
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 36-43 :
The Sakata Model and the Progress of the Theory of Elementary Particles
Ken-iti Matumoto
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 95-104 :
Duality and Electric Dipole Moment of Magnetic Monopole
Makoto Kobayashi
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.167 (2007) pp. 116-126 :
Learning from Sakata's Physics and Philosophy
Shoji Sawada
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