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GBEV - Workshop Second Generation Biodiesel
April 11, 2008 by Arjan
Today I went to the seminar on the second generation biodiesel at Het Pand, Ghent. It was organised by the Ghent Bioenergy Vally, a consortium which wants to stimulate growth in bioenergy in the Ghent region.
The host was Prof. dr. ir. W. Soetaert, who emphasised that the first generation biofuels clears the way for the second generation. What this really ment became clear during the lectures. First generation biofuels compete with edible crops, and are often not sustainable, nor economically viable. Second generation biofuels include non edible crops such as Jatropha curcas or algae oil and therefore don’t compete with food production. The third generation of biofuels based on hydrogen should start at 2030.
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