Building algae fresh/salt water aquariums
Building algae green houses
Building Open pond systems
Making Biodiesel from Algae is not for biodiesel wussies or beginners.
You're going to be treading into the biodiesel wilderness. If you're the type that loves a challenge, then keep reading...
There's no doubt, algae biodiesel is probably the most theoretical and experimental aspect of biodiesel. Some of the best minds on the planet, including Exxon-Mobil, Shell, even the Department of Defense are racing to be the first to MASS PRODUCE algal biodiesel. Frankly, this is a subject you can't fake.
You either got what it takes, or you don't.
Notice above I said MASS PRODUCE. Sure, if you're looking to produce enough to power a 21st. century military, or replace global stocks of petrol-diesel, we're at least 2-5 years away from being able to do it.
However, being able to produce enough to eliminate your heating and/or transportation costs, or even power a small business, moves us from dreaming of the theoretical, into the land of the possible.
However, the big problem is there simply are no books on the subject. Period. Nada. You have to collect a dozen different books, from a dozen different and competing fields, some highly technical, and wade hip-deep into the land of the techno-jargon. Micro-biology, cell cultivation techniques, petro-chemical engineering...
...Sound like fun?
These books are filled so with technical jargon and incomprehensible formulas, you need to be a member of Mensa to get beyond the Introduction Page.
But hardly any actual How-To Information to get you up and going, quickly and easily, in the right direction.
Sound at all familiar?
But now there's good news!...
I did it all for you.I'm Not Going To Insult Your Intelligence, by telling you this is some "secret" information. It's not.
Here you'll find the information you need, when you need it. Put together in an easy-to-understand visual format.Government reports, master's thesis, online reporting, long-lost sources and manuscripts, different but inter-related concepts from across the internet have been collected, collated and put into a language "The Rest of Us" can understand.
Now you can discover…
The Right (and the Wrong) Way of Making Algae Biodiesel at Home...
This newly released work called Making Algae Biodiesel at Home is the quickest and easiest way to learn algae biodiesel. Inside this magnificent work you'll get over 650 pages of gold-mine info. Absolutely everything anyone
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